2022 Establishment of a corporation to 1. capital increase

The foundation of GEMINI next Generation AG and the preparation for the first capital increase. Step by step on the way to the next big disruption that redefines what a house must be able to do.

Foundation of GEMINI next Generation inc.: we will be Tesla at houses Foundation of GEMINI next Generation inc.: we will be Tesla at houses
The first step is to establish a stock corporation in Austria with €70,000 in share capital. This will create a legal structure for further investors.

Housing counseling life counseling - new opportunity for more living standard Housing counseling life counseling - new opportunity for more living standard
Homeownership cheaper than a rental apartment? The dream of a house with your own garden suddenly not only within reach, but also a financial improvement?

Homeownership cheaper than rental apartment: electricity sales and self-supply Homeownership cheaper than rental apartment: electricity sales and self-supply
Because rent + operating costs + electricity + fuel for the car cost more than the loan installment MINUS profit from the sale of electricity. Ideal retirement provision.

Land for Energy: Affordable Housing, efficient Energy Transition Land for Energy: Affordable Housing, efficient Energy Transition
and cheap electricity for worldwide wealth. Resolutely stop the economic decline caused by exploding housing costs and skyrocketing energy costs.

Functional energy transition vs. German energy transition Functional energy transition vs. German energy transition
We have to denounce very hard the grotesque German energy transition in order to turn all the enemies of this grotesque into fans of a functional energy transition.

Please register at the contact form to get information about the current status.

  Historical development and current statements

This subdomain Invests.pege.org and the subdomain GEMINIs.pege.org shows the historical development of the project. GEMINI-next-Generation.house shows current statements of GEMINI next Generation AG.

Investing in disruption for survival Investing in disruption for survival
Humanity has several existence-threatening problems, we offer to invest in a multiple disruption, which can solve several of these problems.

Investing in disruption for survival: GEMINI 1991 to 2023 Investing in disruption for survival: GEMINI 1991 to 2023
In 1991, the “GEMINI habitable solar power plant” was extremely far ahead of its time, but in 2021, “GEMINI next Generation” has the potential for the next big disruption.

Dynamics of goals and decisions Dynamics of goals and decisions
The invention of the catalyst in 1950 developed a momentum that will lead to the end of the ICE. Rio 1992, Paris 2015 will likewise establish the CPSH building standard.

          2022 Establishment of a corporation to 1. capital increase: The foundation of GEMINI next Generation AG and the preparation for the first capital increase. Step by step on the way to the next big disruption that redefines what a house must be able to do. https://invests.pege.org/2022/